Hvem Er Jeg??


Tawaran Tugas Akhir


Selo Sulistyo

Current Position :

·       Associate Professor and Head of e-Systems Lab, Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology  Gadjah Mada University

·       Assistant of Vice Dean for HRD and Information systems, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University


Previous Work

·       2007-2011  Research Fellow at Agder University, Norway

·       2003 -2007 Head of Basic Electronic Lab., Department of  Electrical Engineering  and Information Technology  Gadjah Mada University



PhD in Information and Communication Technology, graduated from University of Agder, Norway, 2012

   Thesis : Model-driven and Compositional Service Creation in the Internet of Services, Abstract, Chapter 1

M.Sc in Information and Communication Technology, graduated from Agder University College, Norway, 2003

   Thesis: MDA and integration of legacy systems. local

M.Eng in Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Graduated from Gadjah Mada University, 2000

   Thesis: Industrial Monitoring Systems: A software development case

S.T (Bachelor) in Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Graduated from Gadjah Mada University, 1996

   Bachelor Project:  8088 Microprocessor – based Configurable IO systems.


Field of Interests

Software Certification, Software Modeling, Domain Specific Languages, Mobile app development and Software Service Engineering which relates to the Internet of things and connected objects.



List of successful independent Projects(year, position, project name, budget)

2006,  leader, Digital Library untuk Anestesi dan Reanimasi RS. Sardjito -UGM

2005,  member, Ship Tracking Systems, Rp. 450.000.000

2005,  leader, GIS software for Water Resources Data Unit, Rp. 56.000.000

2000,  member, Automatic pH monitoring system, Pabrik Gula di Situbondo, Rp. 150.000.000

2000,  member, Komputerisasi Timbangan Pabrik Gula, Madium, Rp. 10.000.000

2000,  leader, PLC installation for laboratory, AKPRIND, Rp. 52.000.000           



Invited Talks

Selo, 2004, Research Activities on CDMA for Educational Purpose, Proceeding of Wireless Communication and RF Electronic Field Wise Seminar, University of Philiphines, 17-18 November 2004

Selo, 2003, Mobile Information System for Medical Response in Disaster, Proceeding of Mobile Communication and Related Signal Processing Field Wise Seminar:, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, 27-28 October 2003.



2007 – 2011     4 years PhD Research Fellow in the ISIS project, a collaboration research project between universities and  

                          companies  in Norway (Telenor, UiA, NTNU, Ericsson, TellU, NorskAutomatisering)


2007               Hi-Link Research Grant, UGM-JICA , 56.000.000

                      Developing Tool for Telecommunication Services Software Development

                      Selo, Wahyu Dewanto, Prof. F. Soesianto, PhD, Silmi Fauziati


2007               DPP Research Grant, UGM, 5.000.000, Pengembangan SISTEM untuk visualisasi proses Industri

                      (Developing of vizulisation tool of Industrial process


2006               Hi-Link Research Grant, UGM-JICA, Rp. 75.000.000

                      Sistem Informasi Manajemen Penanggulanan Bencana

                       Lukito Edi Nugroho, Selo, Firman, Nico


2006               Grant Penelitian A2, Teknik Elektro UGM, Rp. 30.000.000

                      Pengembangan Teknologi Akses Informasi Internet Menggunakan Pesawat Televisi

                       Achmad Yani, Selo


2005               DPP Research grant, UGM, Rp. 7.500.000

                      Perancangan Antarmuka beresolusi rendah

                      Achmad Yani, Selo


2005               Bussinno Innovation Grant, DUE-like, UGM,  Rp. 22.500.000

                      Inovasi Sistem Pembelajaran Matakuliah Sistem Basis Data

                      Teguh Bharata Adji, Selo, Nurul Indarti


2005               Grant Penelitian A2, Teknik Elektro UGM, Rp. 25.000.000

                      Pembuatan Model DCS untuk tujuan Pembelajaran

                      Selo, Astria Nur Irfansyah


2004               DPP Research grant, UGM, Rp. 7.500.000                            

                      Design and Implementation PLC with 8951

                      Selo, Samiadji H,


2004               DIK MAK Research  Grant, UGM, Rp. 11.000.000

                      Study: Internet access at remote and rural area

                      Sujoko Sumaryono, Selo


2004               Bussinno Grant, DUE-like, UGM, Rp. 30.000.000  presentasi, hasil

                      Inovasi Sistem Pembelajaran Matakuliah Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak

                      Sujoko Sumaryono, Selo, Nurul Indarti, Wahyuni

2003              Bussinno Grant, DUE-like, UGM Rp. 30.000.000

                      Inovasi Sistem Pembelajaran Matakuliah Elektronika Terapan untuk         

                      Mendukung Kegiatan Home Industri

                      Selo, Bambang Sutopo, Nurul Indarti, Supriaswoto

2001 - 2003      2 years Quota Program, Lannekassen, Norway. Master degree in ICT

1997 - 2000      BPPS Grant, Studi lanjut S2, UGM          

1999               DPP grant, UGM, Rp.3.000.000

1998               DPP grant, UGM, Rp. 3.000.000



Community Services

2012, Anggota Tim pengabdian masyarakakat, di Desa Srandakan, Bantul, Yogyakarta

2006, Ketua Tim pengabdian masyarakakat pasca gempa, Instalasi penerangan jalan dan instalasi rumah tangga di Desa Sumber Agung Jetis, Bantul, Yogyakarta

2005, Ketua Tim pengabdian masyarakakat di Desa Margomulyo, Kec. Seyegan : Pelatihan Elektronika untuk masyarakat